Monday, December 3, 2012

Innovative Tools for Future Educators!

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English 3043 at Prairie View A & M University taught by Dr. Wakefield was probably one of the most exciting hands on courses I’ve ever taken. Throughout the course, many web 2.0 tools were introduced to better assist my colleagues and I in our future careers. Below are three tools that I found extremely beneficial as a future pre-k teacher….


Prezi is a great tool used to show students visual presentations. This tool differs from a common PowerPoint presentation because it uses one canvas instead of traditional PowerPoint slides. Prezi is available whenever there is internet connection.


Using blogs allows individuals to offer a personal perspective on any subject of their choice. It serves as a platform to discuss and offer opinions and open discussion on many relatable topics.


Eportfolio is a great tool that can be used to develop and show future employers critical elements of an educator’s background such as: work samples, philosophy of teaching, and resumes.

Attached is video of web 2.0 tools in the classroom

Monday, November 26, 2012

Looking Forward to the Future!

Photo of myself ready for the future!

The end of the semester is near and I am anxiously waiting to see what the next semester will bring. While I’m looking forward to a break from all the hard work and determination required from this semester, I can’t help but think about the new and interesting things I will learn as I complete my final term of on-campus studying and begin student teaching and will be able to implement the many new concepts and methods I’ve learned over the past few months. In the fall of 2013, I will be able to acquire a daily hands-on experience while also being able to assess myself and work on areas of improvement if needed in certain areas. While I will always work towards being the best teacher I can be, I can’t wait to meet my future students. The idea of impacting a child’s life even in the smallest matter is a great feeling for me.

While preparing myself to student teach in the fall I am interested in student teaching at Aldine ISD check out there website for more information about the district.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Positive Behavior In The Classroom

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Positive behavior should be encouraged daily throughout any classroom. In my classroom, not only is it expected but it is required. I will require my students to maintain positive behavior through verbally encouragement and positive incentives. In order for the students to acquire the incentives of positive behavior, they will have to display understanding behind the incentives and the expectations set and met in the classroom. As an instructor, it is my responsibility to establish and teach clear expectations of all members of the classroom. In order to assure my students are receiving information given to them I will constantly and positively praise the individuals who are doing as they are told and following directions. It is my hope that the notion of positive behavior will be second nature to all of my students. I want my students to enjoy practicing positive behavior rather feeling as if it is a chore to them.

Check out this website to find out ways to promote positive behavior

Monday, November 12, 2012

Expectations of Good Students

(courtesy of microsoft images)
It is every teacher’s desire to have a classroom full of well-behaved and attentive students. However, in order to achieve such an environment, there must be rules and procedures implemented daily. I not only want my students to be well-prepared for class, I also want to prepare them for future success as they continue through grade school. The expectations I have for my students include: coming to school every day, having supplies ready, having materials organized, paying attention in class, completing assignments on time, following directions, asking for help when needed, and always trying their best. I believe that if the students practice these rules daily, it would prepare them for the future as well-prepared and behaved students ready to learn. I am fully aware that in order for my students to become well-prepared and behaved students, it will take a great deal of effort from both the students and I. However, I am more than ready for the challenge!

To help your student take responsibilty in learning visit this website


Monday, November 5, 2012

The Importance of Effective Communication

As an instructor of a Prekindergarten classroom, it is extremely important to effectively communicate with both students and parents. Effective communication with the students allows for a positive work environment, greater understanding of the instruction being given and positive social interaction amongst the students. While effectively communicating with the students is essential to the success of the classroom, it is also vital when dealing with the student’s parents. The results of effective communication will manifest through assessments, student’s records, and interactions amongst peers. It is extremely important to convey the student’s behaviors to its parents. Therefore, it is always in the best interest of the child for the parent and teacher to be on one accord in regards to the child’s progression within the learning process. Effective communication will be an integral part of the relationships between student and parent and parent and teacher within my prekindergarten classroom.  

Effective communications is very imprative to learn more about communicating effectively visit this website

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Importance of Teaching Pre-K Students about Bullying

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A major issue in today’s school is bullying, making it imperative to teach students about the effects of bullying at a young age. Addressing the topic of bullying in my prekindergarten classroom will make the children aware of the issue along with teaching them the effects and consequences of it. I will discuss the different feelings and emotions associated with bullying in order for the students to be able to recognize when bullying is occurring. My discussions will emphasize the importance of verbal communication and managing their anger. Teaching the children how to verbally communicate their feelings and emotions will hopefully minimize incidents concerning bullying within the classroom. In order to engage the students in the discussion , my students will do visual activities concerning bullying in order to show them exactly how to handle certain situations. It is my hope that through the use of discussion and creative activities, my students will learn the effects and consequences of bullying.

To learn more about bullying check out the attached link

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dress To Impress!

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In any field of expertise, the manner in which you dress for your career is extremely important. In the education field, professional dress is not only encouraged but expected. As educators, we set the standard of how children perceive working adults which makes it critical to offer a great impression. Not only does the way educators dress influence the students, it also maintains respect, establishes credibility, and helps young or amateur educator establish themselves as authority figures. First impressions are lasting impressions, so it is always in the best interest of the educator to offer a first impression that instantly reads professional. In today’s working society, an education alone cannot sustain a position; knowledge of the field along with professional training and qualities is what separate above average individuals from the average. I, myself always strive to be above average therefore I make sure I am not only extremely knowledgeable of my field but always maintain professionalism, and dress the part. Before young educators enter the workforce, they should partake in professional dress at least once a week. These individuals should use this time wisely to grow their professional wardrobe and dress as if they are actual working educators.

Attached is a link to learn more about professional dress! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Importance of Classroom Rules

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The Importance of Classroom Rules
Classroom rules are an important aspect of the prekindergarten classroom. Classroom rules not only teach students the importance of understanding actions and the consequences to their actions, it instills discipline and order within the the classroom itself. Through the use of procedures and protocols, I will manage a classroom that advances the educational process. On the very first day of instruction, I will go over expectations of all students of the class. There will be six rules in my prekindergarten classroom in order to ensure every student the opportunity to excel. My procedure for rule violations include a verbal warning, removal from group activity and a conference between parent and teacer. Through the process, students will gradually become more aware of their behaviors and interactions with others. Optimistic thinking and speaking is highly encouraged througout the entire school year. My goal is to create a learning environment that allows every student the opportunity to reach their highest potential. Positive thinking and interactions with other members of the class are also encouraged daily. 

There are many ways to create positive classroom rules check out this website to learn more about classroom rules.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Importance of a Pre-K Education

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Education is a fundamental aspect of life. The instruction received in prekindergarten constructs the foundation for development of future success. The curriculum used in pre-k classrooms allows children opportunities for self-discovery along with receiving a quality education. It also allows for early exposure to basic fundamentals needed in life such as numbers, letters, and shapes. Another key aspect of the pre-k curriculum is socialization. It is within the pre-k walls where students develop relationships with individuals other than their families. They learn how to effectively communicate their feelings and become more aware of their environments and surroundings. Studies have shown that a quality prekindergarten education allows for better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies, and stronger basic math. Every child should be allowed the same opportunities of early development that are offered in the prekindergarten classroom. Knowing the critical nature of a pre-kindergarten education, I have chosen to fulfill my purpose in society and will educate and nurture the future leaders of tomorrow!

Monday, September 24, 2012

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Goals and Aspirations for the Future

Teaching is not just a career; yet it's a lifestyle. A great instructor impacts her student’s lives in a way that motivates them to become the best beings possible. Upon graduation and completion of Prairie View A& M University’s certified Education program, I plan to pursue a career instructing pre-kinder students. As an educator I hope to instill an eagerness of learning within my students. I aspire to empower and motivate students to fulfill their purpose and passion. One of my favorite quotes I like to use as a motivating force when talking to future educators is “Every child has the potential to succeed and contribute something special to the world.” It is my desire as an education professional to guide those individuals while developing their potential and belief in their capabilities. Achievement of this accomplishment will prevail as I assist children in discovering who they are and allowing them to express their opinions while nurturing their own thoughts and ideas.

Attached is the link to the Houston Independent School District where l plan to pursue employment.